HET Hemorrhoid Treatment

Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum, similar to varicose veins. They may result from straining during bowel movements or from the increased pressure on these veins during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids may be located inside the rectum or they may develop under the skin around the anus.
Grades Of Hemorrhoids
There are four grades of hemorrhoids. Grade I is characterized as an internal hemorrhoid that is still above the anal cavity or dentate line. Grade II hemorrhoids prolapse with straining but reduce spontaneously. Grade III hemorrhoids are also characterized by prolapse, but require that they be manually pushed back inside the anal canal. Grade IV are the worst grade of hemorrhoids that overhang from the opening of the anus and cannot be reduced. As you progress through the stages, the level of discomfort and pain begin to increase.
What Is HET Hemorrhoid Treatment?
HET is a hemorrhoid treatment procedure that allows for the gentle, simple and efficient non-surgical treatment of grades I and II internal hemorrhoids in a single procedure. Treatment with the HET system is fast therapy that typically takes only minutes to complete. In a single treatment, multiple hemorrhoids can be treated. After completion of the procedure, most patients are able to return to work and routine activities almost immediately.
When Should HET Be Performed?
HET Hemorrhoid treatment should be performed on patients with grades I and II internal hemorrhoids. Common symptoms of these hemorrhoids include rectal bleeding during bowel movements, prolapse and itching or discomfort in the anal area. If you are experiencing these symptoms, consult with a gastroenterologist to see if HET treatment is right for you.
How Is The Procedure Preformed?
HET is performed by applying low-grade heat energy next to the hemorrhoids to minimize blood flow to the area and reduce the inflamed hemorrhoids. To produce the mild heat, the HET System uses a safe energy form called bipolar radiofrequency. The area where these hemorrhoids are treated is minimally sensitive requiring little to no anesthesia. This procedure only takes about 8-12 seconds on average to treat one hemorrhoid. During and following the procedure, most patients experience no significant discomfort or pain.